Our responses to your questions
No, not all our oats and products are certified gluten-free. Please check for each product, use our filters or have a look directly in the gluten-free product category.
Oats themselves are inherently gluten-free grains. However, they can come into contact with gluten-containing grains like wheat, rye, or barley during growing, harvesting, or processing. Certified gluten-free oats are meticulously produced, processed, and stored separately to ensure they remain uncontaminated by gluten, making them safe for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.
Organic gluten-free oats are safe for individuals with celiac disease, but they must be certified gluten-free to avoid cross-contamination. However, it's worth nothing that some people with celiac disease (around 3-10%) are also allergic to oats. For those without oat allergies, a gradual and cautious reintroduction is recommended to ensure it's well-tolerated by their digestive system.